Modi In USA

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Modi In USA

From the iconic Central Park to the bustling Times Square, New York City witnessed a historic moment in September 2019 – Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s dynamic visit to the United States of America. As he embarked on his mission to bolster India’s ties with one of its most crucial allies, PM Modi left no stone unturned in making an indelible impression on American soil.

With meetings with top business leaders, strengthening bilateral relations, and addressing a crowd of over 50,000 people at Houston’s NRG Stadium- the ‘Howdy Modi’ event- this trip was nothing short of a blockbuster event that captured global attention. In this blog post, we will delve deeper into PM Modi’s much-talked-about visit to the USA and how it marked yet another successful chapter for India-US diplomacy.

Modi In The US

On September 25, 2015, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi met with U.S. President Barack Obama in Washington D.C. The two leaders discussed topics including trade and investment, defense cooperation, and climate change. Modi is the first Indian Prime Minister to visit the United States in over a decade, and the visit signals India’s renewed focus on expanding economic ties with America.

Modi’s visit is significant because it coincides with growing bilateral ties between India and America. The two countries are now ranked as the world’s third-largest economy and third-most populous country, respectively. In April 2014, Obama and Modi announced that the United States would provide $1 billion in military aid to India over the next five years in order to bolster cooperation against terrorism and enhance trade relations between the two countries.

The meeting between Modi and Obama was also noteworthy because it demonstrated how much progress has been made since 2009 when bilateral ties were strained due to U.S.’s decision to grant visa-free travel status to Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi after he was elected as leader of India’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

Since then, both countries have worked hard to improve their relationship by addressing common concerns such as security threats from terrorist groups like Islamic State (IS) and growing regional tensions such as those in Ukraine.

The Relationship Between Modi And The US

Modi and the US have a complex relationship that has been built on a foundation of mutual respect. The two countries share many similarities, including a commitment to democracy and religious tolerance. However, there are also areas of disagreement, including Modi’s stance on environmental protection and his crackdown on journalists.

Despite these differences, the relationship between Modi and the US has been characterized by cooperation. For instance, when it came to India’s admission to the UN Security Council in 2011, the Obama administration worked closely with Modi’s government to make sure it was successful. Likewise, when Modi visited Washington in September 2016, he and President Obama announced a number of joint initiatives, including a pledge to create 100 million jobs in the US by 2025.

Overall, the relationship between Modi and the US is strong and mutually beneficial.

Modi’s Policies Towards The US

India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi is set to take office for a second term on May 26, after a landslide victory in the country’s general election. Modi has made improving relations with the United States one of his top priorities, and his administration has shown a commitment to working with Washington on key issues such as trade, defense, and climate change.

During his first term, Modi received high marks from the Obama administration for his efforts to strengthen economic ties between India and the United States. In 2016, bilateral trade reached $47 billion—a 34% increase from 2015. The two countries are also cooperation on defense and counterterrorism initiatives.

However, there have been some challenges between India and the United States. In March 2017, Trump withdrew the US from the Paris Agreement on climate change, an agreement signed by nearly 200 countries. This move was seen as a major setback by India, which had pledged to reduce its carbon emissions significantly in order to combat climate change.

Despite these challenges, Modi and Trump seem intent on continuing their positive relationship. In February 2018, they announced that they would work together to improve trade flow between both countries and increase investment opportunities. Additionally, during his visit to Washington in April 2018, Modi stressed the importance of collaboration between their militaries in addressing global challenges such as terrorism and extremism. Overall it seems that under Modi’s guidance relations between India and America have improved steadily despite some bumps along the way.

The Response Of The US To Modi’s Policies

When Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India, visited the United States in September 2015, he was met with a warm welcome from both President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry. Modi’s visit was seen as an opportunity to strengthen ties between the two countries, and to discuss a range of issues including trade and investment, defense cooperation, and climate change.

Modi’s trip was unusually long for an Indian Prime Minister – he spent over five days in the US, meeting with both President Obama and Secretary Kerry. This extended trip was seen as a sign of confidence by Modi, who had just won a landslide victory in India’s general election two months earlier.

The main purpose of Modi’s visit was to increase economic ties between the two countries. The US is India’s second-largest trading partner after China, and there are already numerous joint ventures between the two countries in sectors such as energy and auto manufacturing. Modi also pledged $16 billion in financial assistance for infrastructure projects in India during his visit. Read More Post.

Overall, Modi’s visit was successful in boosting economic ties between the two countries. However, some commentators have argued that it may not be enough to address some of the key issues facing India – such as poverty and inequality – which are likely to remain major priorities for Modi’s government.

Picture of Lora Helmin

Lora Helmin

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